Endocrine System
“The endocrine system is the energy through which the structure, intuition, and perception and understanding of the Whole function.”
– Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen
The endocrine glands are the major chemical governing system of the body and are closely aligned with the nervous system. Their secretions pass directly into the blood stream and their balance or imbalance influences all of the cells in the body. The glands are the keystone between the organs and the nervous system and between the nervous system and the fluids. They create crystalline psychophysical states through which we are able to experience and understand the universal aspect of self.
This is the system of internal stillness, surges or explosions of chaos/balance and the crystallization of energy into archetypal experiences. The endocrine glands underlie intuition and the perceiving and understanding of the Universal Mind.
Minimum course length: 5 days | 35 contact hours
Dates: Go to calendar
This course includes:
- Initiating breath, voice and movement from each of the following glands and bodies: coccygeal body, gonads, adrenals, pancreas, thoraco body, heart body, thymus, thyroid, parathyroids, carotid bodies, pituitary, mammillary bodies and pineal body.
- Distinguishing their reflex points.
- Aligning their energy centers along the spine.
- Establishing their relationships to bones and joints.
- Analyzing the glandular support of the spine and head.

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