The School for Body-Mind Centering®

Movimiento Atlas offers sessions, classes, courses and seminars that bring the benefits of Body-Mind Centering® to anyone interested in knowing how this practice can be helpful to those who experience difficulties with alignment, movement, perception, development, etc., and to those professionals who wish to expand their knowledge and experience on the principles of somatic education from the BMC® approach.

The programs and courses of The School of Body-Mind Centering® offer a detailed and specific approach to the embodied knowledge of our cells, body systems and patterns of development, perception and movement. Its principles and techniques can be used for professional development, personal growth, and to begin a career in the field of somatic movement education and/or developmental movement education and therapy for children.

Courses include a combination of experiential and intellectual approaches, and may include movement, touch, voice, theory, demonstration, and discussion.

Completing a program at any authorized training center entails obtaining a Certificate issued by The School for Body-Mind Centering®.

Programs and Immersion Series

There are three basic programs that complement each other, an application program and two immersion series.

 Many modules of the SME and IDME programs, as well as both immersion series, can be completed individually without committing to a complete program or series.

basic programs 

Somatic Movement Education Program (SME)

This program explores the richness of the relationship between body, mind, movement and touch in the context of our dynamic approach to embodied Anatomy and Developmental Development for Somatic Movement Education.


  • 7 modules on body systems.
  • 4 courses on evolutionary development.
  • 525 hours of face-to-face study (2 years approximately).
Practitioner Program (PP)

Continuation of the Somatic Movement Education Program (SME), this program develops the foundations of SME and requires two additional years of study. The contents include: deepening of personal embodiment, integration of body systems and the development movement, deepening of client evaluation, learning of therapeutic approaches and development of professional skills


  • 17 modules.
  • 500 hours of face-to-face study (approximately 2 years).
Teacher Training Program (TT)

The Teacher Training Program is designed to take BMC® teaching to a deeper and more articulated level, and is one of the prerequisites for teaching in a Program authorized by The School for Body-Mind Centering.


  • 34 days of attendance in certified programs.
  • 150 hours of teaching practice.
  • 150 hours of face-to-face study in 2 modules of 10 days each.

Application Program

Infant Development Movement Education Program (IDME)

This program is a very sophisticated and subtle approach to observing and facilitating normal movement patterns in infancy, from birth. The approach incorporates the curiosity, interest, and individuality of the child in relation to the educator and their caregivers.


  • 4 modules on development.
  • 4 modules on IDME applications.
  • 300 hours of face-to-face study.

Immersion Series

Body-Mind Centering® and Yoga Immersion Series: Foundations in Embodied Anatomy

These series offer a dynamic approach to the practice and teaching of Yoga. Completing both series in addition to the Somatic Movement Education (SME) Program results in certification from The School for Body-Mind Centering®.


Body-Mind Centering® and Yoga Immersion Series: Foundations in Embodied Developmental Movement

These series offer a dynamic approach to the practice and teaching of Yoga. Completing both series in addition to the Somatic Movement Education (SME) Program results in certification from The School for Body-Mind Centering®.



Students are expected to continue exploring the material between modules and in the years following completion of training. A large amount of information is presented during each course. The process of embodiment is guided and initiated in the classes, but the deep experience takes place over time, in the process of personal exploration outside the class structure. This implies spending time studying on your own, applying and sharing the material with other people, allowing the experience lived in class to deepen and grow.

 The educational process underlying this approach involves the direct and experiential experience of the material. It is this embodied exploration that makes the work transformative and enables us to deepen our appreciation of how we express who we are, how we perceive the world, the others and ourselves, and how we learn.

The School for Body-Mind Centering®

Admission requirements

Immersion programs and series are designed for people with experience in movement, dance, yoga, martial arts, bodywork, or other body-mind disciplines. The level of experience among students varies. However, there are several qualities that are important:


  • Strong interest in the body-mind relationship.
  • Responsibility to work with the material outside the school periods.
  • Responsibility and curiosity for your own development and learning process.
  • Be able to work in community; with other students, teachers and administrative teams.

The School in the world

All immersion programs and series are offered through Licensed Training Organizations and use curricula developed by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen. For an international list of all the courses and programs currently offered globally, you can check the calendar on The School for Body-Mind Centering® website.

 The School for Body-Mind Centering® was founded by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen in 1973 in New York City, USA, and has since been dedicated to sharing this approach around the world. It currently has graduates in 32 countries and 5 continents. There are Authorized Training Organizations in Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South America:

North America


Espirit en Mouvement

Moving Within
Lorane and Portland

Sonder Movement Project
Rhode Island and New York


South America


Brazil and Uruguay








Leben Nuova


Movimiento Atlas

Embody Move
United Kingdom and Poland