Professional Issues and Competency 1


“The purpose of somatic movement education and therapy is to improve the functions and integration of the human body-mind through movement consciousness applied to both ordinary and specialized activities, for people of all states of health and stages of development, both in individual and group settings.”

– Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen

What does it mean to be a professional and how do you transition into this role? This course will cover some of the important issues facing professionals in the somatic field. This course is also a review of skills and an evaluation of competency.

Minimum course length: 3 days | 21 contact hours

Dates: Go to Calendar

This course includes:

  • The student/movement educator relationship.
  • Responsibilities of being a professional, including ethical guidelines and health precautions.
  • Setting up and managing a professional practice, such as, finances, publicity, managing space and time, promotion, interfacing with other professionals, supervision and networking.
Professional Issues and Competency
Professional Issues and Competency
Professional Issues and Competency

Make your payment two months before the beginning of the course and save 50€

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