Our Services
Movimiento Atlas offers sessions, classes, courses and seminars which bring the benefits of Body-Mind Centering® to anyone interested in learning how this practice nurtures and contributes to human development and psychophysical well-being, from birth through all the stages of life.

Individual Sessions
If you are a professional or a curious person looking to improve your technique and/or developing a more comfortable, aligned and efficient movement and perception, we can stimulate and conduct de development of your abilities.
We work with persons of any age and condition, in integrative and non-intrusive manner, exploring ways for BMC® to open new pathways for learning, suitable with other somatic approaches and therapeutic practices.
Each session is adapted to the specificity of the moment combining and integrating conversation, contact and movement. Hands on facilitation can take place on a massage table, on the floor, or in a chair. The movement completes the experience that you can continue to integrate with small guidelines and exercises for your day to day.
Training: Courses and Seminars
Movimiento Atlas focuses on the design and implementation of a variety of training proposals with which you can get to know and enjoy Body-Mind Centering®. We offer, in parallel to the BMC® Certified Training, weekly classes in Zaragoza, and weekend courses and seminars composed of several courses in different cities. The principles and techniques that are shared in these meetings are applicable and useful for personal development and professional growth.
We offer courses open to mixed groups and also to specialized audiences, such as health, education and art professionals, adjusting the contents to their interests and needs.
If you are interested in BMC®, we can recommend professionals in your area, or bring them closer to where you are; if you have a school or training center and/or you know a group of people interested in our approach, do not hesitate to contact us, we are looking forward to working with you.

Child Development Movement Sessions
We know that your baby is the most important thing to you and that you want to provide her/him all the necessary support so that it develops in the most complete and harmonious way possible. Through the principles of the Infant Development Movement Education, we will help the baby go through the fundamental milestones of her/his perceptual and motor development, and her/his parents/caregivers to facilitate in this process in a comfortable and constructive way. The sessions are available for families and babies in all stages and conditions of development.
In these sessions, the process of each baby, girl and boy is valued, respecting her/his timing and qualities. We work with non-intrusive facilitation techniques that follow the innate motivations and desires of the baby, girl or boy, making them protagonists of their own learning.
Guidance and Supervision Sessions
If you are a professional in health, education, arts, sports, social intervention, etc., interested in introducing a somatic perspective in your environment, we can guide you in exploring simple guidelines that stimulate new learning and more efficient reorganization in you, your clients or students, your colleagues, and in the quality of your relationship.
The supervision sessions are a support space for reviewing and deepening your professional practice. Aimed primarily at professionals who include the BMC® approach in their practice, they offer the opportunity to analyze your evolution in the different areas of facilitation, the process of your students and clients and aspects related to referrals, courses of action, professional issues, ethical code, etc.

Do You Have Other Needs?
Get in touch with us: our experienced team and the versatility and reliability of our approach make your applications unlimited, and that we can develop work structures valid for multiple contexts and situations. Give us your proposal and we will work together on it.